Backpack Program

Click Here to Register for the 2024-2025 School Year Backpack Program.
Please contact your school district directly if you have specific school supply needs during the school year.
In a time when school funding in Wisconsin continues to decrease, the burden of providing school supplies for students now belongs to the parents. More than one-third of the children in our Dodgeland and Hustisford Schools come from low-income households. Parents cannot afford to pay full price for lunches nor can they afford school supplies for their children.
Well, they say it takes a community to raise a child. Caring individuals, school staff, businesses, churches, and organizations make it possible for The Gathering Source to provide schoolchildren of families in need with school supply-filled backpacks each Fall. The only thing making a Gathering Source backpack different from any other backpack is all the people that contribute their time, talents, and gifts to make these backpacks possible. Each child receiving a school supply-filled backpack will not stand out from the rest of the students.
Each backpack is assembled by volunteers, delivered to the school, and distributed to each child. To preserve a student’s privacy and dignity, backpack recipients remain confidential.